Feng Zhao

Distinguished Visiting Professor, Tsinghua University

ACM Fellow | IEEE Fellow | Sloan Fellow
Founding Editor-In-Chief, ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks
Steering Committee Chair, ACM/IEEE IPSN; CPSWeek 2013
Technical Program Committee Co-Chair, Mobisys'13; ACM Sensys'05

I am Distinguished Visiting Professor at Tsinghua University.

For my work on wireless sensor network, IoT and cyber-physical systems (CPS), I received the 2022 IEEE CPS Distinguished Leadership Award, with the citation:
"For pioneering contributions to the theories and practices of cyber-physical systems and inspirations to upcoming researchers, engineers and entrepreneurs ."

I was a Partner at Eight Roads Ventures China (formerly known as Fidelity Growth Partners Asia) from 2020-2024, and focused on investments in enterprise services.

I was Chief Technology Officer and Vice President for Advanced R&D and Smart Home business at Haier, a worldwide market leader in home appliances and IoT devices, during 2015-2019. I led the development of Haier's Smart Home U+ Platform that won the 2018 IFA Product Technical Innovation Award and 2019 CES Global Smart Appliance Award, and was responsible for the appliance industry’s largest IoT adoption.

During 2009-2015, I was an Assistant Managing Director at Microsoft Research Asia, where I oversaw multiple research areas including hardware computing, mobile and sensing, software analytics, systems, and wireless and networking. My own research focused on networked embedded systems such as sensor networks, energy and resource management of distributed systems as in data centers and cloud computing, and mobile devices and mobility. I also worked on parallel computing and fast N-body algorithms.

Prior to Microsoft Research Asia, I was a Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research Redmond, where I founded the Networked Embedded Computing Group and led the team to develop the MSR sensor mote, tiny Web Service, SenseWeb and SensorMap, Data Center Genome, JouleMeter, and GAMPS data compression.  With the help of some of these technologies, the Microsoft data centers were among the most densely instrumented and monitored cloud computing infrastructures in the world. Earlier, I was a Principal Scientist at Xerox PARC and founded PARC's research effort in sensor networks and distributed diagnostics.

I received my PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT, and taught at Stanford University and Ohio State University. I served as the founding Editor-In-Chief of ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, have authored or co-authored over 100 technical papers and books, including a book published by Morgan Kaufmann - Wireless Sensor Networks: An information processing approach, and have 50+ issued US patents.

An ACM and IEEE Fellow, I received a Sloan Research Fellowship and NSF and ONR Young Investigator Awards. My work has been featured in news media such as BBC World News, BusinessWeek, and Technology Review.

Full biographical sketch

News | Talks | Book | Publications


Recent Talks

Book: Feng Zhao and Leonidas Guibas, Wireless Sensor Networks: An Information Processing Approach. Morgan Kaufmann (ISBN 1-55860-914-8), 2004.

    The book is based on a class Leo and I have been teaching at Stanford.

Selected Recent Publications

(Full publication list)

Programming, Services, and Architectures

Optimization, Coordination, and Tools

Collaborative Processing, Reasoning, and Tracking

Routing and Information Discovery


Last Updated: 11/6/2022