The Sensor Network Academic
Resource Kit provides tools and supporting materials that enable researchers to
explore and build sensor and networked embedded systems technologies and
applications, and is the result of the research by the MSR Networked Embedded
Computing Group over the past three years. It comprises the MSRSense toolkit for
sensor data collection, processing, and visualization, and data publishing tools
for SensorMap, a wide-area sensor web that bridges between embedded devices and
the Internet.
Since the tool first became
available on in December 2005, it has been downloaded
more than 10,000 times by researchers worldwide. A Community Preview CD was
distributed at the 2006 MSR Faculty Summit.
The research and teaching
resources included in the Sensor Network Kit are:
Software for MSRSense
Micro-Server, including
Source code & binaries for
Micro-Server Execution Engine
Source code & binaries for
Micro-Server Interaction Console
Source code & binaries for
Micro-Server Service Library
Software for Excel Extension
for streaming data, including
Source code & binaries for
Source code & binaries for
archiving data to SQL Server
Support for using Visual Studio
Tools for Office
Software for connecting to
TinyOS motes, including
Source code & binaries for
Source code & binaries for
Packet Recording and Replay
Software for publishing to
SensorMap, including
Source code & binaries for
Source code & binaries for
publishing mote data on SensorMap
Source code & binaries for
publishing web camera data on SensorMap
Support for registering sensors
with SensorMap
Support for using SenseWeb
DataHub API
Supporting software, including
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2005
Trial Edition
Supporting materials,
Tutorials on SensorMap and data
publishing toolkit
Related research papers and
presentations by the NEComp researchers
Videos from the MSR Sensor
Network Workshop and pointers to the UW/MSR Summer Institute on World Wide
Sensor Web; both workshops were attended by leading researchers from the sensor
network community.